I was enthusiastic about starting into my personal writing challenge last week, but I spent all day Friday just fooling around with my blog code to try to make something attractive. Then, I spent all weekend hanging out with the wife, playing WoW . This is the design I came up with; I hope y'all like it. It's irritating that HTML doesn't like tabs. What I mean by that is, offline reading material is organized in paragraphs, with the leading paragraph indented a certain amount. All my life I've been reading books and magazines and whatnot in lots of varying formats, but that one fact remained a constant. Well, except for the first line of a chapter, where people often like to get creative. Damn illuminated manuscripts and their frivolity! Anyway, my point is that if you want to create paragraphs or breaks in thought on the interwebnet, without getting fancy, your primary recourse is an empty line. O the wasted space sacrificed to the gods of HTML who reserved inde...